THE PERFECT LOVE ♥ 2/12/2017 2 Comments Valentine's Day: February 14th. A day when it is a tradition to send a card, often anonymously, to a person one is romantically involved with or attracted to. Significant others buy each other gifts like chocolate, flowers, or even those huge teddy bears that are six feet tall. But have we forgotten the most important valentine of all? Jesus. He loves us more than anyone on this Earth. More than your parents, your husband or boyfriend, siblings, or friends. He showed us His love, not by showering us with overpriced chocolate, or giant sized teddy bears, but with His unconditional love. He loved us so much that He willingly died on the cross to save our sins. He went through all that pain and suffering just so that we wouldn’t have to. What a crazy type of love! Would you go willingly be nailed up on a cross for love? I probably wouldn’t if I am being honest. But Jesus cares for humanity and each and every one of us that He died. Literally. He gave us a gift far richer than anything the world can offer us: Salvation. The fact that Jesus loves us so much to give us this gift.. A completely, free gift, for no reason at all except the fact that He loves us. So instead of going out and seeing the new movie 50 Shades Darker, embrace love. Remember what Jesus did and the Love he has for you. It’s not bad to celebrate, just do not put it above the one who saved you. Use Valentine’s Day to spend some time with Him and reflect on all the countless blessings He has done for you. ♥ xoxo L.K. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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