Day after day, I simply wonder
when I will be able to see you.
I look out my window
to see the green grass and birds
chirping loudly.
I haven’t left my house since
they put us on lockdown.
I did not know that would be the
last time I would be able
to see, touch, feel, kiss, hug
the person who I called
my boyfriend.
You have to go out
into the unknown.
They tell us to stay at home
but you cannot.
Your job is to save people.
Are you safe? I have to stay away
because I do not want this disease.
I do not want to give it to my loved ones.
But I want to see you.
To compromise, we have to communicate
through our phones.
Face to face on computer screens.
They said long distance would be hard.
I never thought it would be like this.
We have to love each other six feet apart.