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The year where I turned nineteen.
The year where I went on my very first missions trip.
The year where my taste in music changed.
The year where I grew more independent and relied solely on myself.
I had made many friends. Some of those friendships remain, while others strayed.
2018 was filled with a lot of new experiences- some were good while others, were only setbacks.
For me, 2018 was a year filled with personal growth.
Thank you for the memories.
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I have a feeling that this year will be a good year. I can feel it in my bones.
Many people tend to make new year's resolutions. Instead of making many resolutions, I decided to choose a word to live by for the year 2019. Before we all ended the year 2018, my mother and I decided to do a tar-rot card reading. All of my cards led to a speculation about change.
change; /CHānj/
There are many ways to interpret the definition of change.
verb: make or become a different substance entirely; transform.
noun: the act or instance of making or becoming different.
With this, I am going to embrace the word change and use it as a tool to lead me to a new lifestyle.
Change is something that does not settle with me easily. I tend to worry about changes and freak out when something new or different is happening with my life, or a loved one's.
So to help me follow in the pursuit of my word for 2019, I am deciding to focus on mini goals to help me "change" my lifestyle. I will be listing them below....
focus on my health
working out more, drinking more water, watching what I eat.
< Alexis Ren 30 Ab Challenge >
stretching more- focusing more on yoga + running
breaking bad habits
for example: biting my nails
reading more
book list for 2019:
< Catcher by Kalyn Nicholson, Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst, Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson > {see book list here.}
write more
for myself and for the blog.
I used to write in journals a lot, however, for some reason that has stopped. I want to keep embracing those habits again and document every little thing that happens in my life, because these are the moments to remember.
take more pictures / vlog some.
(I got a camera for christmas and I am so excited to start using it more! Youtube channel? Thoughts? )
learn how to handle money.
budgeting and saving money.
Ever since I have been living in my apartment, I have realized that I need to focus on how much I am spending. I also need to learn how to save more due to being in college. Ya girl is broke, ya feel?
use more natural products + start my own business
I recently started using an all natural shampoo + conditioner on my hair and I instantly started seeing results. I have always wanted to try something new; try to jump out of my comfort zone and start selling a product that I believe in. For months, I told myself no, but the time is now to start change.
So, there it is, my mini goal list to help me tackle my word for 2019! If there is one thing that 2019 taught me thus far, is to stop doubting yourself; in order to embrace change, the time is now!!
What are your goals for 2019? Or like me, do you have a word for 2019? I would love to hear in the comments below!
with love,