we are now entering day twenty four of quarantine (or something like that). a lot of us are missing out on many events and accomplishments that we had planned. people are missing out on celebrating birthdays, senior year proms, high school graduation, college graduation. for most of us, we are trying to learn the new reality. the new reality of using the technology that was creating to try to find a new norm. working from home. taking the classroom to online. face to face through our computer screens. we now have to be more pro-cautious of our health. we now have to wear gloves and masks to the grocery store. this new reality is out of our comfort zones. this new norm is anything far from normal. it is frustrating.
a lot of us were not expecting this. this pandemic is something that no one has ever witnessed before. we may be feeling a lot of different emotions. fear, anger, confusion, panic. and its okay. its okay to not be okay. its okay to feel your emotions.
I have been binge watching a lot of Friends episodes on late night nickelodeon with my mom lately. I was scrolling through my Instagram and found a perfect Ross Geller quote to sum up most of our emotions.

I know for a fact that my year is not starting out to the way I planned. I have been struggling, and the Lord is testing me and pushing me in ways that I could never had imagined. But you know what? its okay. a lot of us probably was not expecting this.
I should be in school right now. I should be at my favorite place with my favorite people, studying to get my degree. I should be creating memories with my friends. I should be participating in my campus organizations. I should be working. I should be enjoying the last spring semester of my college career. but I am not.
I was talking to a mentor of mine. we were talking about how bizarre everything in the world is right now, and how scary it is. she said something very true to the events happening in the world. she said she is taking this as a time to pause and relax. catch up on the things that we say we never have time for.
I was also talking to one of my best friends about this and she said something very true as well. she was talking about the major events going on in her life and how God is directing her for a reason. how everything that is unexpected turned into a blessing for her. she was not expecting certain things to go the way they were planned, and that maybe it was a sign of the Lord directing her in a way.
so friends, I want to encourage you to take this time and new season to rest. find your quiet time. find your time to catch up on tasks that you say you never have time for. drink your morning coffee. read your bible. start a new devotional. maybe read that book that has been laying on your shelf collecting dust. take the time to draw again; like you did when you were little. write your experiences of covid19 in your journal. send letters to friends. do some yoga. start a new hobby. go on a walk or run.
find something to do that gives you joy.
start a new hobby and stick to it. by the end of the quarantine, you will be renewed in ways you never though possible.
I hope this post finds you some encouragement and joy. wash your hands. take care of one another and stay safe.
" but may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your savings help always say, the lord is great! " -Psalms 40:16 (NIV)