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love triangle

A couple months after I was born, my parents had divorced. So I never really knew what it was like for my parents to actually be together.  Growing up in a "Love Triangle" was easier said than done. When I was a little girl, I would sit on the front step of my mother's house on Guthrie Street waiting for my dad's white Ford truck to pull into the driveway. He would then give me a hug, pick me up and take me to New Hampshire. I would spend the weekend with him and then he would take me back to my moms.           When my mom would take me to my dads, I always cried for my mom the instant she walked out the door. I would spend every other holiday with each parent. I can remember wishing every year when I blew out my birthday candles it would all change. I used to think that I could some how come up with a mischievous plan to make my parents fall in love again, just like the movie "The Parent Trap". But when I was three years old, my mother had remarried.             I not only had just one dad but I now had two father figures in my life. I also grew up with two older step-sisters. Having a blended family has taught me a bunch of things. For one, over the years, I have realized what its like to have older sisters. That sometimes sisters fight over the little things, like clothes and make up but by the end of the day, we are all family again. My mother likes to refer herself as a "shared mom" to my sisters and her husband as a "shared dad" to me.              The older I got, the more difficult it was to transition from house to house. But what I can say is that I am truly blessed to have the family that I do. My parents are best friends. They both try their best to provide for me and support me in everything I do. They hardly ever fight. When I am participating in my school functions, I can look up in the stands, and see both of my parents sitting together cheering me on. I would not do anything to change the situation I am in. For I know that both of my parents love me unconditionally...                Unlike my family, some moms and dads don't even talk any more. If you have parents who are divorced I want you to know one thing. Your parents love you so so much. Their divorce is not your fault. Through sorrow and tragedy, God gives you an awareness of the world. A sixteen-year-old with divorced parents is, in a sense, more aware of the world around her than the same sixteen-year-old without divorced parents. God put you in this situation to make you stronger. You deserve to be deeply loved, and you are deeply loved by God. He will carry you and keep you.                    "Children obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord." ​                                                                                 -Colossians 3:20                                                                                                 xoxo- Lindsay Kay


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