It's as if I blinked and my first year of college was over, that's how fast time goes. As I was packing up my belongings, I just couldn't help but feel blessed to have chosen to come to Bowling Green State University. The school year flew by faster than what I had expected. As I was taking down my pictures and decorations, it felt as if I had just put them up and my parents had just left me in August.
I'm surprised with how sad I am to leave my dorm room and college town. When I first moved in, I felt as if everything was so big. Coming from a small town to a college town can be an adjustment, however I am so thankful that my personal experience and adjustment went so smoothly. My small dorm room is now my safe place. It's become normal for me to call it "home". Most of all it's the genesis of my first year at Bowling Green, however, it will also be the end.
My home away from home, was the first focal point of reaching adulthood. No more relying on my parents. No more relying on my family or friends. The only person I had to rely on was myself. I've always thought I had been independent, however, after coming to college, I became more independent. Between these walls, I've grown. I have matured. I became my own person, just Lindsay.
Room 463 at Centennial Hall was my home. After a long day, this is where I went. These white walls have seen me laugh and cry. They've seen me at my best and worst. They've seen me make stupid decisions. They've seen me tired, cranky, stressed, mad at the world, relaxed, negative and positive. These walls have seen me on my knees, praying. They've seen me tackle endless homework assignments and projects. They've seen me sad whenever I missed home. My freshman dorm has seen it all.
Dear Blaire,
First of all, thank you for choosing me to be your roommate. When we first met on Facebook, I knew that we would be perfect for each other. We are literally the same person. Can you believe that we managed to share a room together for months? There isn't anyone else I would rather want to live with!
Thank you for being my go to person whenever I needed advice about a situation. {family, boys, or friends drama, school work, whatever} Thank you for welcoming my whole family into our little home. Thank you for allowing me to show off our room to Van Wright visits and for always giving advice to incoming future falcons. Thank you for the endless episodes of One Tree Hill, 90210, Friends, Riverdale, and Famous in Love. Thank you for the High School Musical and Camp Rock movie nights. Thank you for the heart to heart chats that we would have late in the night and early in the mornings.
Thank you for all the times we needed a break from school and busted into song and dance, the clothes we shared, and for your perfume that I sprayed on myself for a week straight. Thank you for being okay with the overflowing garbage, messy floor, and for the mac and cheese that we both somehow had stuck on the wall. Thank you for allowing your hometown friends to become my friends. Thank you for the endless trips to Dunkin, Starbucks, Grounds for Thought and Flatlands because we both love coffee so much. Thank you for taking me home for Christmas break and for the endless rides back to BG even though I live 57 minutes away from you.
Thank you for your appreciation of taking naps, your hard work ethic, and the random notes you would leave me saying you hope I had a good day or telling me you went somewhere while I was sleeping. Thank you for joining my inter mural volleyball team and for participating in Dance Marathon with me.. Thank you for being you Blaire Wehrley. I am so proud of all the things you have accomplished this year. You are such a beautiful young woman who has the mindset of accomplishing whatever you set your mind to. I know you will do great things in the future! I can't wait to live with you again next year in our apartment. This isn't a goodbye, this is just a see you later.
love you roomie,
your favorite roommate
-Lindsay (:
To the freshman that will soon live in 463, I hope it treats you well. I hope you have an even greater experience than I did. Those four walls hold so many memories, memories I hope you get to make as well.
Farewell to the first place I lived without my parents. Farewell to my home away from home. Centennial Hall, you will be missed.
