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The Power of Now; Girl, Be in The Moment

It was a Tuesday, and just like every morning, my feet hit the floor at 6:45 AM. I was tired. My body was tired. I went through my regular morning routine, grabbed my cup of coffee and headed out the door for my 8 AM class. My weekly routine of class and work was suddenly starting to become a dread. I felt stuck. College can definitely put you in a mood of being like a zombie. Just going through the motions, not really taking in the wonderful, glorious elements of life.

I can remember walking to the library to clock in for my Tuesday night shift. The leaves were just starting to turn color. The sun was setting, and campus was dead. During my walk, I decided to call my dad.

"I don't understand why I feel this way." I said. He replied with a simple answer, of that's just life.

But in my eyes, there should be more.

I am the kind of person who also likes to think ahead. My mind is always three steps ahead of my feet. For example, when it's the morning, I like to think of all the homework that I have due on Wednesday only when it's Monday. However, I also have come to the realization that the future scares me. This only leads to me freaking out about the unknown and having this heavy weight of worry bottled up inside me.

As humans, we all wonder what the future holds. We wonder about what job we will get, who we will marry, when we will die. We all wonder about the perfect plan God has for us.

And when certain things do not go the way we planned, we tend to become frustrated with God and confusion is filled in our hearts. Why did this happen? What's next God?

Lately, in my season of life, I have personally been confused with what God is exactly doing in my life. I have been questionative at times, wondering why certain things played out the way they did.

I was scrolling through twitter, and my feed happened to come across this tweet.

We need to trust the timing of our life. We need to embrace the power of now. We need to embrace the fresh smell of coffee, sunshine, morning walks, blooming flowers, good books and all the other simple but glorious pleasures of life. We need to embrace the unknown; the uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won't have a title until much later.

So, a post card to the girl who is trying to understand what God is doing in her life:

There are sometimes when you feel young and excited about what God has in store for you and then, there are other times where you feel anxious and worried because time is passing you by. In that moment, please don't look to your friends for advice. Or get on instagram, only to compare yourself to others. Instead, look to Jesus. Let him wrap you in His love as you wait for The Lord to reveal what He has in store for you. Remember, waiting on the Lord does not mean waiting around. Go volunteer. Travel. Write that book. Spend time with loved ones. Make a new friend. Everyday is an opportunity to step out boldly in faith out of the barriers of your fears that say, "I'm not good enough" or "What if I fail?" Instead of having everything figured out, think of this: "How am I going to serve the Lord today?" "What can I do to make His kingdom shine?" "How can I be a light in people's lives?" "How can I show God's love?" There is so much joy in life when you have Jesus in your heart. So knowing this, learn to embrace the power of now and what God is doing in your life today.

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