I don't know where to start but I guess I'll start by saying this, thank you. Thank you for being in my life, for your constant support and for always loving me. I know this past month has been hard, it's hard for all of us but in your case it's different. It's always just been you and me — a dad and his daughter.
Writing this now, as I am preparing to leave for college, I can't help but reflect on all you have done for me. You may think it was never enough, but being a single dad can be a hard job. Being at college will be different. I won't be coming home to your house every other week. There will be a lot of things I will miss about being home with you. I'm going to miss waking up to the smell of coffee to see you in your chair watching the "Today" show. You made sure to tell me what the weather was like so I knew what to wear to school. You brushed my teeth and combed my hair when I was little. You had to drive me everywhere. Little girls depend on things like that. You even sat and watched "Pretty Little Liars" or "The Bachelor" with me on Monday and Tuesday nights. The rest of the nights were spent watching football or basketball. You taught me how to shoot a gun, how to go mushroom hunting and even how to shoot a basketball.
Around 5 p.m. every night, I would hear the garage door open, hurry to clean my mess, and run to the door to hug you. A hug from you makes me feel like everything is going to be OK. You always could make me feel better with a hug, even if we fought from time to time. You would ask what I wanted for dinner and I never really gave you a clear answer. Most nights we would have salads, but some nights we would have steak, deer burgers, spaghetti, or even your famous tacos. Afterwards, we would go on an ice-cream run for dessert or we would just stay at home and have our vanilla with chocolate and peanut butter.
From now on, things are going to be different. I will have to check the weather on my own. I'll probably watch "The Bachelor" with my roommate. Around 5 every night, I'll probably be studying. Instead of "see ya in the morning", it's going to be "talk to you when I get the chance."
I know I sound like a princess or some spoiled brat. But the reality is, I am because I never really truly got the chance to say thank you.
Dad, thank you.
Thank you for never leaving me.
Thank you for supporting me, coaching me, and for your hugs.
Thank you for being by my side even when I was wrong.
Thank you for my quick temper, my love for watching basketball, and even for my huge scar on my side that I learned to love.
Without you or mom, I wouldn't be here today.

Thank you for making me who I am. Thank you for being there when I cried, because boys suck. Thank you for letting me wear your t-shirts. Thank you for playing horse in with me in the drive way. Thank you for setting me standards so high when it comes to men.

I'm going to miss you and mom more than anything, but just keep in mind to save some bear hugs for me when I come home. I promise I will call as much as I can.
I love you.
Your baby girl.
By Lindsay Coder via The Odyssey Online