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Beach Reach 2018

If you would have asked me in fall semester how I was planning to spend my spring break, I would have responded with the original response that comes from any small town poor college girl. "I am just planning on staying at home." But God had a different plan for me.

During fall semester, I decided to go to an event that was being hosted by my church called  H2O Fall Retreat. During that event, they were starting to talk about spring break trips.  In my mind, I thought "Oh, that seems like fun!" so I decided to sign up for the Beach Reach Trip to Panama City. A couple months later, one of my best friends texted me. She asked if I wanted to go to Florida with her for spring break. Without even thinking, I replied yes. I was so excited. However, in February those plans failed.

I was upset, but I later realized that it was God's way of pushing me and telling me to go on my very first missions trip to Panama City, Florida. I've been to Panama before with my dad for summer vacation, but I have never been there for a missions trip. I was a little surprised to hear about all of darkness down on the strip because I had never witnessed it before. But, it was fun to revisit some familiar places.

Before I explain my experience during beach reach, I would like to thank my friends and family who helped get me to PCB whether it was financially or with prayers. You're love and support is so so so much appreciated! {Special Shoutout to: David Thompson, Christa Myers, + my whole family for your kind donations!}

March 2nd, 2018. A special day we have all been waiting for. The day where I traveled to PCB with 37 other Bowling Green State University students. Our main goal of the week is to help make Jesus "famous" by sharing the gospel with spring breakers by catering to their needs {giving free van rides and walking the streets from 9 PM to 2 AM and serving free pancakes every morning}.


The day that we all had been waiting for. Yes, I was feeling all kinds of emotions. Anxious, slap happy, terrified, but yet excited. We soon all piled into the vans to take off on our 17 hour road trip.

I'll be honest, I was terrified at the idea of sharing the gospel with a COMPLETE STRANGER. If anyone knows me, they know that I can be a little shy but once you get to know me, I begin to break out of my shell and you know that I'm crazy, awkward, and weird. During my van ride, I decided to do some reading. I pulled out "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst. After reading chapter four, my worries began to escape my mind. Chapter four described Lysa's feelings on how to start conversations with strangers. She explained that most of the time she felt as if she was alone in a crowded room with no one to talk to.

"The more fully we invite God in, the less we will fill uninvited by others" -Lysa TerKeurst.

This chapter helped me grow in my confidence and I realized that I needed to be bold and unbiased in my faith this week. Soon we stopped at a gas station south of Ohio where I ran into some of my family members. I had the opportunity to see them before I left to go do my kingdom work...


The day we would finally arrive in Florida. Around 7 AM we departed our little hotel in Nashville to set out on the road again! Once we were in the vans again, everyone had the opportunity to share their faith stories. I thought this was a great idea. It would help calm my nerves. I found it very interesting to hear others stories and how they found God.

About 8 hours later, we finally arrive to PCB! I was surprised to see the retreat where we stayed at. To be honest, it was nothing what I imagined it to be. The house where we stayed was right on the beach with a beautiful view.


A day where I had peach cobbler for dessert. A day where I ran into Jessica {A friend from my hometown} and the first day/night out on the strip. I was very nervous but also excited. I knew that whatever assignment I received would be God's Plan.

My first assignment that night was to be in a van and be a talker. My response to this was "HAHA God you got me! You're soooo funny!"I just had a feeling that this would happen. But I chose to stay positive and by the end of the night it wasn't that bad.

Our team had their very first SALVATION! {shout out to Lacey + Jadon for being ROCK STARS!}


Our first morning of pancakes. They are delicious btw AND I am not a pancake kinda gal.

We started that night in the prayer room. This assignment was designed so we could pray over the conversations being said in the vans + the streets. The Beach Reach team had designed several stations so we would not get tired of just sitting. One of my favorite stations was the "Wash Away My Sins" station. The prompt was to write your sins on a cloth with dry erase ink and place the cloth in a bowl of water. We then had to wait for the cloth to be made new and then place it on the line to dry.

We then were sent out on the streets to talk to spring breakers and tell them about the free van rides + pancakes. My team and I ran into a couple from Toledo and it was amazing to just listen to their stories and where they are from.


Day five was one of my favorites. Although I was running on little sleep, I still tried to be as friendly and outgoing as possible. That morning of pancakes, I made a new friend. He's from Tennessee. It was very cool to hear his perspective on why he wants to share the gospel.

Night five I was in the vans again. I was finally getting used to staying out till 2 AM. My team and I were starting to get tired and we were ready to go home. But our final pick up was the best. Six British men called in need of a free van ride. My friend, Ryan started sharing the gospel and all of the sudden these guys start chanting our names. It was definitely one of the best high lights of my trip.


My team had another SALVATION at pancakes. It was really cool to witness people becoming stronger in their faith and having the courage to speak truth to others.

That night I had the opportunity to reconnect with an old friend. We used to go to the same church when we were younger. That night we were placed on the same street team. I was so excited to be on the same team as him because in the beginning he didn't recognize me haha. It was such a blessing to hear his story and see what God has done in his life to make him the young man he is today.


Oh this was a special day my friends. In the morning, I witnessed four baptisms; one which happens to be one of my best friends.

{Congratulations Makayla, Anna, Phil, and Kathleen!!}

I also had the opportunity to witness an engagement!

{Congratulations Jadon + Maddie!}

This day was very special, however it was very bittersweet. This was our last day serving. We went out on the streets with a spiritual high ready to plant a seed to whoever came our way. Although we have no idea if that seed will continue to grow, it was humbling to share the gospel with others!


A day filled of traveling back to Bowling Green, Ohio.

By the end of the week:

• 1,875 pancakes.   • 6,031 van rides.

This trip was by far one of the most amazing experiences I have had. I have enjoyed every moment of this adventure. I have made many friendships that I know will last a lifetime. I also grew in my faith MORE THAN EVER. I learned to be more confident when sharing my story, how to be bold in my faith, and I began to pray aloud for others.

We all need Jesus + that is all that matters in life!

Here is a little video I put together from the trip! I hope you all enjoy it!

With love,



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