Hello loves!
SURPRISE! I have been waiting and working so very hard for you all. I have created a brand new site, all on my own with the help of wix.com. Although I loved using wordpress, wix just has more features for me to use and work with.
Anyways, you may be wondering, Lindsay, where have you been? Why haven't you been writing as much? To help answer your question, ya girl has been very busy.
This past weekend, I participated in my very first dance marathon and lemme tell ya its an amazing experience. Miracle Network Dance Marathon is a movement benefitting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a non-profit organization that raises funds and awareness for more than 170 pediatric hospitals across North America. I had to stand on my feet and stay awake for 24 hours. However, this past weekend has been such an amazing experience for me. I had to the opportunity to meet miracle children and hang out with them during the event. Overall, Bowling Green State University raised $265,202.33 for the kids + I’d say that’s pretty awesome.
Other than dance marathon, I have been busy with the college life. Before spring break, I decided to change my major to Human Development and Family Studies. {click here to hear about that story}
Anyways, I'm back at it again with a Friday Five. If you missed my latest Friday Five, you can find it here.
Lately I have been trying to focus on my personal care and keeping a positive attitude about life. So far, it has been working...
01.) To help keep track of my habits, I decided to search Pinterest for a habit tracker. You may have heard this term related to a bullet journal. {I someday hope to create my own bullet journal, however I have not got to it yet.} Something about the process of checking off my habits each day and keeping a log of my progress really has improved my capability of getting rid of my negative habits. You can find your own free printable here.
02.) KALYN NICHOLSON. Kalyn Nicholson is a famous Youtube Star who publishers her own videos about her lifestyle, fashion, and everything in between. It's kind of a funny story as to how I became a fan of her. I went home for the weekend and my mom told me about her. In my head, I was like "Wow, my mom watches Youtube. What has the world come to?". But yeah, she seriously watches youtube. I think its kinda cute. Still can't believe that MY MOM watches Youtube lol. Anyways, I am obsessed with Kalyn. Like you guys, I seriously went and bought a french press coffee maker just because she had one. Am I crazy? I don't know..

Watch her Youtube Channel:
03.) During that weekend, my mom bought a new blender, so we have been making smoothies like non stop. If you follow my instagram, you could probably tell because every time I go home, I have pictures of them. Smoothie Sundays are a thing my friends. My favorite smoothie contains: coffee, a banana, protein powder, cinnamon, flax seeds + more! {Special shout out to my bestie Julia Maas for showing me the recipe}. Find the recipe here.
04.) Since it's almost the end of the semester and my first year of college. {insert crying emoji here}, I have been crammed with homework. To help with my studies, I have been using my favorite pens. Trust me, it makes note taking so much more fun. I love the paper-mate flair pens. My cousin Molly told me to get them back in August, so I got the 8 pack not thinking I would fall in love with them. I lied. They're amazing and once you use them, you won't go back to the crappy ink pen you used before. I sweet talked my mom into getting me the whole colorful pack for easter. You can find these pens at your nearest Walmart, Target, Office Depot, or on Amazon.

05). Since I have been focusing on my personal mind set, I have also been focusing on my appearance as well. When I feel myself stressing, I like to take long hot showers and then when I get out, I put a face mask on. Lately, I have been using charcoal face masks. Yes, I was freaking out the first time I used it. This is the one I used last Friday night.
To wash it off, I would recommend using a warm soapy wash cloth. It comes off your skin easier. Afterwards, your skin will feel amazing! (:
Currently Watching: Famous in Love on Freeform // The O.C. on Hulu // Bunheads on Hulu // Friends on Netflix
Currently Listening To: Lauvv // This is Lauvv.
This weekend I am going home to try pilates with my mom and our friends so wish me luck! eek!
Did you enjoy this weeks Friday Five? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
